
Posts Tagged ‘water’

Breathe in.

The lungs fill with air, buoyant the body rises above the water.

Flight is imminent but still beyond the wingtips.

Breath out.

As the breath leaves the body it sinks below the water.

Cocooned in its fluid body.

Breathe in.

Again rise.

Breathe out.

Again sink.

Such as the rhythm of life; Breathe is life.

Be at one with the water.

Seek not its rise of waves, melt into its depths. Flowing as the river seeking even deeper earth.

Be not the first to arrive, crashing against the stone wall.

Instead rest upon its lower currents and settle last at the door of Heaven.

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Matt Miklic

Designer, and other useful things.

Marketing For Gurus

Global Guide to Healthy Living, Marketing, Videos, Blogs,

shelle's butterfly project

These are the stories and poetry of a girl born in a male body and her journey to womanhood

Alene's Adornments Blog

Feel Inspired today; Wear a Work of Art

This little light of mine......

I'm gonna let it shine.....


Where I write my thoughts, dreams and everything in between

The Sensory Spectrum

For SPD Kiddos and Their Parents

Lushness Of Luminous Living

Some days you just have to create your own sunshine...

Leila World Blog

It is what we hold inside our shell, and how we project it, is the key to our success. - Leila

A Life Most Ordinary

Trival Musings and Rants from Somerset

Skin to Skin

This is for the voiceless, the disheveled, the victims, the victors, the ones who are proud of their skin, and those who have not found its beauty yet.

Nina's Soap Bubble Box

Raw Recovery Specialist & Agoraphobic Philosopher


It's always PINK in the sheets.


Because sometimes thoughts can't be bottled up

Passive Aggressive Abuse

the insanity of passive aggression


Just trying to tie a knot in my rope and hang on.

One Day At a Time

Going Through Lifes Struggles


Talking sex, honestly.