
Posts Tagged ‘ten commandments’

Thou shall not have any other God’s before Me.

A commandment, law of God, handed down by Moses from the summit on the mountain.

Or so we are told, as they say “That is how the story goes.”

What if the story was re-written in order to perpetuate fear of God? Then having a man climb down with stone tablets would definitely be a scary thought. After all he goes up this mountain, no one hears or sees from him for days and Bam! Here he is with these stone tablets that God gave him.

So what I want to know is, does Moses ‘hear’ God talking to him and then he chisels? Or Does God manifests in physical form and hand them over.

“Here ya go Moses, ten commandments.” – God.

Hmmm… *scratches head* I don’t know if that jives with me. Now I can say that hearing God speak to you makes more sense. We are human beings with the capability of talking with God. It is a personal relationship with the Divine, not call waiting through the local pastor.

Hearing God speak the words: “Thou shall not have any other God’s before Me.”

It brings a whole new definition to mind.

Yep, that girlfriend I had last year, I made her god for me. So I broke the commandment. Hmm… I am not struck down by lightening so the next logical conclusion is making mistakes is part of remembering. Okay, no woman, no parents, no idea, no job, no government, comes between me and my god.

It is a personal relationship, so it is my relationship with God. I hear him tell me, I am God, you are god. I live in you and you live in me.

No other god’s before me.

Yeah, now that makes a better story, just one problem. Fear is the cornerstone of every major religion. Take out the fear and you dismiss the religion.

The Pope isn’t going to be happy about this.

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