
Posts Tagged ‘sweeps the nation’


It starts small, the seed of fear, then it grows into an overbearing state of panic that sweeps the nation.

How long did people believe that the egg was one of the worst foods for your body. A source of high cholesterol? Doctors stating the awful health issues associated with eggs, the American Medical association telling you the links to various heart problems. The list went on, and on.

It seems as though the hoopla died down for a bit and I saw the billboard. In the car riding down the freeway; “The incredible, edible Egg.” A picture of an egg sitting right there, and the words sounded good.

The power of words, and thought. In months the whole planet was eating eggs again saying how great they were to take such good care of themselves.

Personally, I think the egg prices plummeted, because the farmers weren’t receiving their due share, so the corporate world said, “Fine, we just see how you like this.” They call the American Medical Association and say, “Let’s give those boys a scare, call eggs bad for the cholesterol.” Now that eggs are great again, a staple in most diets, the prices go up. The problem with the Egg ads, most people didn’t believe it. Heck I couldn’t imagine not having Grandma’s scrambled eggs. We had our own chickens and the eggs were great. The world was on the same climate, the ad campaign didn’t last too long.

This is the power wielded by the media. The driving force of the advertising engine? Money.

Companies pay big, 1.6million dollars for thirty-second to a minute ads. They have all studied the power of words, energy follows thought (Albert Einstein.)  They have tuned this art to perfection.

Why? Because when I ask you what’s so good about Honey Nut Cheerio’s, what do you say?

It’s the oats.

Along with repetition, they put words together. for example: ‘the taste for the New generation’   -Pepsi

Add Britney Spears and you have the perfect cocktail for generating millions this year alone.

Courtney Cox – Coke; Hanes-Michael Jordan; Florence Henerson-Wesson Oil; Ashton Kutcher – Sony 

What they don’t tell you? Coca Cola can also be used as an engine degreaser, spermicide and oh they used to make it with Cocaine.

We don’t dwell on this facts, because if you knew the facts then you would be less apt to buy. Money drives this engine, remember that.

Bayer company actually marketed and sold diacetylmorphine. It was invented by a british chemist in 1874 but never did anything with it. So Bayer made and sold this amazing new drug for taking away your illness. The trade name was ‘Heroin’, so given for the ‘heroish’ feeling people claimed to have during testing. The Sunday Times of London noted, “By 1899, Bayer was producing about a ton of heroin a year, and exporting the drug to 23 countries.” Including the U.S. Medicines containing smack were available over-the-counter drug stores. The American Medical Association gave ‘Heroin’ its stamp of Approval in 1907.

  Reports of addiction became widespread and troublesome to marketing in the years to follow. Even though Bayer knew about them in 1899.  They released aspirin a year after Heroin which helped to keep them on the good side of helping the public obtain pain-free medication. They got out of the Heroin business in 1913.

These are the facts. I don’t deal with theory or circumstantial conspiracies. I am the voice of a thousand people. It is our time to say “We want the truth, open the books, disclose all the numbers and answer the only question that matters.

Where does the money trail end up?”

with love, Rochelle Foulk

Author The Stone People

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