
Posts Tagged ‘psychic fireballs’

Dear Reader,

A man in named Roy said tonight, “I am not the giant of my dreams or the dwarf of my fears.” Words that shot through my heart and into the fear I had been facing today. The truth is I let my ego get away with me… the Giant of grandiose dreams and then when the feeling gets too much and I forget that God is the director I become the dwarf, really small against the great dragon which is the embodiment of my fears. That is where I was today. I revamped this site to reflect the spiritual revolution I believed I was meant to start. Now I realize that my trumped up visions of leading people in the art of tai chi and throwing psychic fireballs against the embodiment of evil may have been a bit over the top. (laughs) You know I was really picturing such a thing. This is my apology to you, the readers, the ones who come here because I state the truth, my truth about love, relationships and women. This is my calling, to speak the truth but it doesn’t always have to be on a platform stage surrounded my televisions showing my image to millions of people. Come to think of it, that scares the hell out of me. So as my beautiful friend Mel, says, “Right size it, Sarah.” I will leave the sit alone and always remember that I come from only one voice. My authentic and true voice. Should I stray again, please feel free to tell me the truth because in all things; honesty is the best policy. I expect from my relationships and so should you expect it from me. With love, Sarah

-adopted from Sarah Wellington Author site, multiply

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Matt Miklic

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